Payday May Be A Ka-Ching Moment – But Here’s How To Turn It Into A Savings One Instead

Payday doesn’t always have to mean a treat. While it can be tempting to temporarily boost your dopamine levels with a quick fix, planning for the long run when it comes to spending is sure to be far more rewarding. Creating a routine for your payday will not only help to get the bills paid on time but also save even more money in your pocket.

What You Need To Do To Establish A Payday Routine

First of all, transfer any funds that you have leftover from the previous payday to your savings account. This will allow you to spend less money that might be considered as ‘extra’, and save for a long-term goal. For best results, complete this step the night before payday. This will also reduce your ability to ‘splurge’ the leftover money before your next salary.

Secondly, pay as many of your bills as you are financially able to do, rather than wait till the ‘due date’. Once money comes into your account, a lot of it you may have already marked for bills and payments that need to be made. Instead of holding off on those due payments, you should pay them off immediately as this will give you a clearer indication of how much money you actually have to spend until next payday.

Finally, creating a to-do list for the day of your pay is an effective method to visualise and plan out your expenses. By outlining your small and large expenses that need to be paid before your next day, you will have a much clearer idea of what is coming up. They will also help identify unnecessary expenses or when extra money is being spent where it should be.

By following these simple steps, you should be able to put into practice a payday routine that suits your needs and assist your saving goals.

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